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Widget/Cookie-Banner is not displayed

If the banner is not displayed despite embedding the code in the <head>-area of your page, there may be several reasons for this. As a rule, however, the problem is easy to solve. The most common causes are as follows:

1. the widget is not activated

It can happen that the frontend-widget was not automatically activated during setup or was inadvertently deactivated. Therefore, check under the menu item "Dashboard & Integration" whether the widget is really active:


2. the domain does not match the domain for which CCM19 was configured

The code-snippet is used to check whether CCM19 can be used on the domain. A configuration for the domain must exist on the server named in the script. So check once whether the domain that you have specified in CCM19 corresponds exactly to the domain of the website on which the banner is to be displayed. Also make sure that http:// and https:// are used correctly.

3. the banner calls available in the tariff have been used up

If there are no more impressions available in your tariff, the banner will no longer be displayed. An error message stating "Quota exceeded" is displayed under "Console" in the browser's developer tools. You can also check the current status in the CCM19-account. On the page after logging in, you will see the booked tariffs and information on whether CCM19-calls are still available for the current month.
