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The following components describe the data structure as it is expected for requests to the Hosting-API and as it can be expected as a response from the Hosting-API.

Properties in bold are mandatory fields and are marked with an asterisk.


Name Description
Client The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
Domain The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
Locale The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
Theme The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
Placeholder The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
Embedding The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
EmbeddingAsset The descriptor for the structure of the resource as expected and sent by the API.
OnboardingScanResult The descriptor for the data sent by the API after scanning a domain.
OnboardingPreset The descriptor for the data as expected when importing a template.
OnboardingPresetResult The descriptor for the data sent by the API after a template has been imported.
OnboardingEmbedCodeSnippets The descriptor for the data sent by the API when requesting code-snippets to embed CCM19.


Property Data type Read Write Description
id string
username(*) string
password(*) string The customer's password in plain text; alternatively use passwordHash. Only required to create a customer. Omit field to leave the password unchanged.
passwordHash string A pre-calculated password-hash (bcrypt: $2y$); password has priority
active bool Specifies whether the customer can log in. (default value: false)
firstName string
lastName string
emailAddress(*) string
company string
domainCount int
domainMaxCount int Maximum number of domains that a customer can manage in their account; -1 is unlimited. (default value: 0)
whitelabelCount int
whitelabelMaxCount int Maximum number of whitelabel-licenses available to a customer; -1 is unlimited. (default value: 0)
widgetDisplayCount int
widgetDisplayMaxCount int Defines how often the CCM19-widget is loaded in the frontend per month; -1 is unlimited. (default value: 0)
autoCreateDomains bool (default value: false)
features object Functions that the client may use.

(*) These features are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
canUseABTests bool
canUseAnalytics bool
canUseConsentSharing bool
canUseDomAPI bool
canUseIAB bool
canUseIframeCSS bool
canUseIframes bool
canUseIndCSS bool
canUseMultiDom bool
canUseOwnLogo bool
canUseScripts bool
canUseUserGroupRights bool
moreThan2Lang bool


Property Data type Read Write Description
id string
name(*) string Is treated like the input field domain name of the domain administration, so can also define the path of a website when writing. Examples: www.mysite.xyz www.mysite.xyz/website2/ https://www.mysite.xyz https://www.mysite.xyz/website2/ When the property is read,only the domain nameis returned, i.e. www.mysite.xyz for the examples above. The path is in the read-only property path.
path string Reads the path, which can be set with name; by default /.
country ?string ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country code (AT,DE,CH,GB,US etc.); "ZZ" to specify an unknown country; or null to access the user's profile configuration.
whitelabel bool
consentStorage string Permitted values: cookie localStorage sessionStorage (default value: localStorage)
consentCookieLifetime int
consentCookieSecure bool
consentResetBeforeDate date Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"
consentResetOnLegalChange bool
consentSharingDomains string[]
consentSharingCrossDomain bool
frontendWidgetEnabled bool
frontendWidgetCache bool
frontendWidgetMinifyCode bool
managementStructure string Allowed values: cookie embedding (default value: embedding)The management structure cookie is deprecated, no API-endpoints are provided anymore.
deleteUnknownCookies bool
deleteUnknownCookiesForceReload bool
requireConsentForMandatoryEmbeddings bool
declineButtonEnforced bool
allowedScriptMarkers string[]
blockedScriptMarkers string[]
evalInlineScripts bool (default value: false)
recordScriptsOnWebsite bool
blockNewScripts bool
blockFirstPartyScripts bool
blockInlineScripts bool
permanentScanEnabled bool
tcfEnabled bool
tcfEnableNewVendorsAfterGvlUpdate bool
tcfVendorBlacklist int[]
tcfSpecialFeatures int[]
tcfGoogleAdditionalConsentMode bool
tcfGoogleAdditionalConsentAdProviders int[]
tcfUrlMacroAutoAppend bool
tcfUrlMacroHandling bool
blockIframes bool
rememberIframeConsentPerDomain bool
appendConsentSwitchToIframes bool
iframeBlockMode string Permitted values: blacklist whitelist (default value: whitelist)
iframeMarkers string[]
cookieDeclarationTableHeadingStartLevel int Permitted values: 2 3 4 5 (default value: 3)
cookieDeclarationTablePrependConsentChangeLink bool
cookieDeclarationTablePrependIntroText bool
imprintDisplayMode string Permitted values: direct link (default value: link)
imprintOpenInNewTab bool
imprintShowWidget bool
privacyPolicyDisplayMode string Permitted values: direct link (default value: link)
privacyPolicyOpenInNewTab bool
privacyPolicyShowWidget bool
accessibilityDisplayMode string Permitted values: direct link
accessibilityLinkEnabled bool (default value: false)

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
name(*) string Only permitted to create a resource.
active bool
widgetTitle string
widgetIntroText string
widgetDeclineButtonText string
widgetFullConsentButtonText string
widgetSettingsButtonText string
checkAllButtonText string
uncheckAllButtonText string
imprint string
imprintHtmlCode string
imprintUrl string
privacyPolicy string
privacyPolicyHtmlCode string
privacyPolicyUrl string
accessibility string
accessibilityHtmlCode string
accessibilityUrl string
categoriesTitle string
categoriesCancelButtonText string
categoriesFullConsentButtonText string
categoriesSaveButtonText string
detailsTitle string
detailsCloseButtonText string
embeddingVendorLabel string
embeddingDescriptionLabel string
embeddingPrivacyPolicyUrlLabel string
embeddingLifetimeLabel string
embeddingWhichDataIsCollectedLabel string
embeddingPurposeOfDataCollectionLabel string
embeddingLegalBasisLabel string
embeddingPlaceOfProcessingLabel string
embeddingAssetNameLabel string
embeddingAssetLifetimeLabel string
embeddingAssetDescriptionLabel string
blockedContentTitle string
blockedContentDisclaimer string
blockedContentConsentButtonText string
blockedContentConsentSwitchShowExternalContent string
blockedContentConsentSwitchAllowEmbedding string
blockedContentConsentSwitchProviderDetails string
purposeNames Object.\ 41ba25c: Technically necessary cdcbd7c: Ads a717ff5: Analysis / Statistics 7c19e32: Personalization 6cd2721: Social Media 15c61c3: Other
purposeDescriptions Object.\ 41ba25c: Technically necessary cdcbd7c: Ads a717ff5: Analysis / Statistics 7c19e32: Personalization 6cd2721: Social Media 15c61c3: Other
changeConsentText string
moreInformationLabel string
questionMarkButtonText string
tcfVendorIntroText string
tcfPurposeLabel string
tcfSpecialPurposeLabel string
tcfFeaturesLabel string
tcfSpecialFeaturesLabel string
tcfOptedInRemark string
tcfThirdPartiesLabel string
nonTcfPurposesLabel string
nonTcfVendorsLabel string
tcfVendorUsesNonCookieStorageText string
tcfSpecialFeaturesHandledGloballyText string
tcfStacksListText string
tcfCookieRefreshText string
tcfExtendedDisclosureText string
tcfAssetTypeLabel string
tcfAssetPurposesLabel string

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
id string
name(*) string
default bool
widgetBlocking bool
widgetButtons string[] Permitted values: accept decline cpanel
widgetCloseButton bool
widgetPosition string Permitted values: top center bottom bottomleft bottomright
widgetSwitchType string
showPurposesInMainWindow bool
settingsAcceptAllButton bool
settingsCheckAndUncheckAllButtons bool
settingsFooter bool
complyWithDoNotTrack bool
enableOnlyInEu bool
manipulationPrevention bool
logoEnabled bool
logoImage ?string Encoding: Base64 Maximum size: 512 KiB Allowed MIME-Types: image/jpeg image/png Pass null to remove the stored image.
settingsIconEnabled bool
settingsIconImage ?string Encoding: Base64 Maximum size: 64 KiB Allowed MIME-Types: image/jpeg image/png Pass null to remove the stored image.
settingsIconTarget string Permitted values: main purpose (default value: purpose)
whitelabel bool
primaryButtonBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
primaryButtonForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
primaryButtonBorderColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
declineButtonBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
declineButtonForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
declineButtonBorderColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
buttonBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
buttonForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
buttonBorderColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
windowBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
windowForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
windowLinkColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
windowBorderColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
iframeBlockerBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
iframeBlockerForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
iframeBlockerButtonBackgroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
iframeBlockerButtonForegroundColor(*) string Format: "#rrggbb"
customCss string
customCssForIframeBlocker string

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
name(*) string Only permitted to create a resource.
value(*) string

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
id string
name(*) string
active bool
purpose(*) string 41ba25c: Technically necessary cdcbd7c: Ads a717ff5: Analysis / Statistics 7c19e32: Personalization 6cd2721: Social Media 15c61c3: Other
vendor string
scriptHtmlCode string
scriptLoaderGroup string
scriptMarkers string[]
iframeMarkers string[]
hideIframesUntilConsent bool
excludeUrlsMode string
excludeFromUrls string[]
description string
privacyPolicyUrl string
whatDataIsCollected string
purposeOfDataCollection string
legalBasis string
placeOfProcessing string
translations Object.\translation> Use locale-names to define each translation as a separate property. en_DE en_US fr_FR es_ES pt_PT it_IT nl_NL pl_PL ru_RU zh yes cs ..
tcfVendor ?int Either a valid TCF-Vendor-ID or null to remove the reference. This property takes precedence over the vendor property and overwrites it with the respective vendor name.
tcfPurposes int[]
tcfSpecialFeatures int[]
googleConsentMode string[] Permitted values: ad_storage analytics_storage functionality_storage personalization_storage security_storage
assets EmbeddingAsset[] Stack action where existing assets are removed; so be careful. Recommended for POST-requests.

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
name string Optional translation for the name of the embedding.
description string
privacyPolicyUrl string
whatDataIsCollected string
purposeOfDataCollection string
legalBasis string
placeOfProcessing string
blockedContentTitle string
blockedContentText string
blockedContentButtonText string


Property Data type Read Write Description
id string
name(*) string
dynamic bool
storageType string Permitted values: cookie localStorage sessionStorage indexedDb webSql other
lifetime string
description string
translations Object.\translation> Use locale-names to define each translation as a separate property. en_DE en_US fr_FR es_ES pt_PT it_IT nl_NL pl_PL ru_RU zh yes cs ..

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
lifetime string Approximate lifetime of the entry - e.g. "1 hour" or "5 days".
description string What is the entry used for (cookie, local-storage, etc.)?


Property Data type Read Write Description
address object This data can be used, for example, to update placeholders.
imprintUrl ?string
privacyPolicyUrl ?string
availablePresets object[]
storage object


Property Data type Read Write Description
company ?string This can be, for example, the company or the name of the site operator, depending on the information found on the imprint-page.
street ?string
zipCode ?string
city ?string


Property Data type Read Write Description
id int Use as OnboardingPreset.id.
name string
purpose string 41ba25c: Technically necessary cdcbd7c: Ads a717ff5: Analysis / Statistics 7c19e32: Personalization 6cd2721: Social Media 15c61c3: Other
vendor string
translations Object.\translation> Languages are identified by the property name of a translation.


Property Data type Read Write Description
name string
description string


Property Data type Read Write Description
cookies object[]
localStorage object[]
sessionStorage object[]


Property Data type Read Write Description
name string
domain string
path string


Property Data type Read Write Description
name string


Property Data type Read Write Description
name string


Property Data type Read Write Description
id(*) int
active bool Activate resource immediately on creation. (default value: false)

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
presetId int
embeddingId string The ID of the resource that has just been created.
Property Data type Read Write Description
name(*) string
storageType(*) string Permitted values: cookie localStorage sessionStorage

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
default string This code-snippet points directly to the CCM19-configuration of a respective domain. The theme that is marked as active is used; the language is automatically determined for each request.
de_DE, en_US, ... string There is a separate property for each active translation, which contains the code-snippet for forcing the respective language.


Property Data type Read Write Description
username(*) string The username of the customer who will manage the website. If the account does not exist, it will be created.
websiteUrl(*) string URL of the website to be scanned and managed.
domainMaxCount int This property corresponds to the property Client.domainMaxCount.
whitelabelMaxCount int This property corresponds to the property Client.whitelabelMaxCount.
widgetDisplayMaxCount int This property corresponds to the property Client.widgetDisplayMaxCount.
locales string[] Languages to be activated: de_DE, en_US, fr_FR, es_ES, it_IT, nl_NL, ja, zh, ...
systemTheme string Specify a theme-ID to use this theme. Define either systemTheme or userTheme.
userTheme string Specify a theme-ID to use this theme. Define either systemTheme or userTheme.

(*) These properties are mandatory fields.


Property Data type Read Write Description
clientId string Account-ID of the client who manages the website.
domainId string ID of the domain that represents the website.
embed OnboardingEmbedCodeSnippets