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Domain management

You can access the domain administration by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner and then on "Domain administration". In the domain administration you can create, edit and delete your domains and activate or deactivate the NoLabel-function.

You will also see an overview of how many calls are available to you and how many calls have already been used. You can also see the number of domains and the number of NoLabel-licenses. The data for the calls is reset every month on the 01st.

Your current tariff is displayed in the area next to it - here the Free tariff. You can book a tariff directly from there using the "To tariff overview" button. You can also activate the sliding tariffs, but you must already have booked at least one Starter tariff.


Create / edit cookies

A click on the name of the domain or on the blue button in thecolumn "Edit banner"leads you to the cookie-administration of this domain. Further information can be found here.

Create and edit domains


In the list you can see all domains that you currently manage. Using the buttons on the right in the "Actions" column, you can edit, copy or delete the corresponding domain or call up the page itself (from left to right)

The table also shows whether the domain is active - i.e. in use - or not. It also shows whether the respective domain is being used as a NoLabel, how many views have already been used this month and which theme is currently being used.

Edit entry

Clicking on the green symbol takes you to the settings screen where you can change the data for the domain.


Domain Basic-Authentication (directory protection)

Use this if your domain is password protected. Attention - use ":" between username and password. So a colon between username:password

Copy domain

With theCopy-symbolyou can copy an entry completely including all settings.

Delete domain

Use the red button to delete the domain entry completely - after a previous query.

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Collective actions


The buttons are to be used with CAUTION.The first button deletes all PageCheck-entries of all domains, i.e. everything that was found in PageCheck -WITHOUT ASKING BACK!PageCheck regularly checks your domains for new cookies and other entries. After deletion, the data should fill up again quickly.

The second button deletes all inactive domains. These will then be irretrievably lost. A backup is not created at this point!However, you will be asked whether you really want to delete the domains.


With the last button you can activate the widgets for a list of selected domains.
