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Installation of the download-version

This part is only relevant for you if you have downloaded a Download-version and want to install it. However, most customers use our cloud version.

Download installation file

You can find the installation file in the download-area of CCM19.de. After purchasing the version, you will receive an e-mail at-explaining exactly where to find the files. The mask looks like this. Under theLicensestab you will find the license-key that you need in step 2 of the installation. The keys can also be reset.

screenshot-2020.09.30-11_13_10-Account _ Download Version Login.jpg

Unzip and upload files

When you download the files, you will receive a .zip file which you must unzip on your PC. Two new files will now be stored on your computer: setup.php and ccm19.zip.

Upload files to your server via FTP

After unpacking, you must upload the two files to your server via FTP / SSH or other means. It is advisable to follow the hoster's instructions. If the hoster does not have any information about your server, please ask them for it.

We cannot answer any questions about your FTP-Login-data, we do NOT know it.**

Now upload the files setup.php and ccm19.zip to the root-directory of your website (or a folder of your choice).

CCM19 creates a subfolder /ccm19 by default, so store your files as you wish. If you want to install CCM19 in the current directory instead of a subfolder, please enter ./ in the mask for the directory.

Note PHP version

The PHP version used must be at leastPHP 7.2.x . Higher PHP-versions are also supported. \ If you cannot easily update the PHP-version on your site, the alternative is to set up a (sub-) domain with your provider and set the PHP version to 7.2 or higher.

You can then install the CCM19 script on this (sub-)domain and integrate it into your actual site from there.

If this does not work either or if the effort is too high for you, you can use the service variant of our tool - nothing needs to be installed here.

Installation - Step 1

On your website, navigate to the folder in which you have stored the files and call up the setup.php file. In our example, this would be https://www.MeineDomain.de/setup.php, as we have stored the files directly in the root directory.


Change directory name

Ideally, you should change the name of the directory to something innocuous. Preferably a random combination of letters and numbers to intercept the blockers that could otherwise block the script.

Oops - an error 500 or another one occurs?

With 1&1 or domainfactory you should make sure that you set the RewriteBase after the installation. Here is a short explanation:

In the following we assume that you have placed the CCM19 installation in the "cookies" directory. If you load CCM19 into a different directory, this must be adapted accordingly in the example. In principle, two .htaccess files must be changed.

  1. call up meinedomain.de/cookies/setup.php and follow the instructions.
  2. setup.php should redirect you to meinedomain.de/cookies/ccm19/public/setup -The 500-error occurs here.
  3. edit meinedomain.de/cookies/ccm19/.htaccess - under the line "RewriteEngine On" enter: RewriteBase /cookies/ccm19/
  4. edit meinedomain.de/cookies/ccm19/public/.htaccess - also add here under "RewriteEngine On": RewriteBase /cookies/ccm19/public/

Now try to call meinedomain.de/cookies/ccm19/public/setup.

If the 500-error persists, it may be a different problem. We would be happy to investigate the problem for you free of charge; a temporary FTP-access is sufficient for this, which you can close again once the work is complete. Simply write to us via our support form.

In this example, the CCM19-tool will later be accessible viahttps://www.MeineDomain.de/ccm19/ .

In this screen you can change the installation directory. Here you can also specify folders such as /cookies/, /kekse/ or similar, but also ./ for the current directory. For our example, we will leave it at /ccm19/.

Write permissions

Please make sure that you set the write permissions for the directory correctly so that the setup script can write the files there, otherwise the following error message will appear.


nginx? - Customize server configuration

If you usenginxas a web server, it is usually necessary to make adjustments to the server configuration. You can find more information on this in the technical area.

Step 2 - Enter license-Key


After the short installation, you will be redirected to the registration screen. Here you must enter your purchased license key, which you can view here.


Alternatively, navigate on the ccm19.de page in the top-menu underLogin>Download Version Loginand then in theSub-MenutoLicenses. Copy your license key and paste it into the corresponding column.

Then enter a valid E-mail address (without a valid E-mail address you will not be able to reset your password later!) Now you have to define a user name and a password. The user name can NOT be changed later!Then click on "Perform setup" and the system will be installed.

You can also specify a proxy server under "Advanced settings" if your company uses one to output the website - however, this is a very rare situation and is not usually done.


As soon as the installation script is finished, you will be redirected to the Login mask or logged in directly.

After the installation

After the installation, you should delete the setup files so that the setup cannot be carried out again - you will also receive a corresponding note in the administration.


Reset key

You can use the Reset button to remove the key from the installation at any time and reset it. This makes sense, for example, if you first test the installation on a subdomain and then reinstall it later in the live-system.