Embedding templates
The embedding templates are a separate database for cookies / scripts etc. In addition to the data that comes from the CCM19 database, you can set and maintain data records here.
Entries that you create here are only available to your customers or in your company. You can also transfer and add to existing entries from the CCM19 database here.
If this switch is active, your customers/clients will also be offered the CCM19 database of cookies/embeddings for use. This is the recommended default-setting.
You can also specify here for whichlanguagesyou want to provide these templates.
Create / edit entry
You can simply copy a new entry from the CCM19-database by clicking on the blue "Select entry from database" button.
You can then transfer an entry directly from here, it is then available in your database and can also be edited there.
Editing is carried out in exactly the same way as described in the Cookies & integrations section.
Automatic update
This function is explained in detail in the Cookies & integrations section. Since agencies can also maintain their own templates, a double check is carried out for agency customers. Firstly, whether there are any changes in the templates of the agency-version. Secondly, whether there are any changes in our database. In the case of a concatenation (database → template → embedding), it can take up to 48 hours for changes to become visible.